English Language Dansk sprog

Tips & Links

Shopping List

How To Load & Fire

How To Avoid Damages

Gun  The Shopping List

  • We ordered the needed parts for the potato gun at VVS-Grossisten A/S. This is a Danish internet shop (Plumbing & Heating), but you may find another one closer to you. The prices when ordered in May 2004 were (very roughly):
    Number Stock Number Description Price
    1 x 18 6012.100 PP-HT RØR 50mm, 1m sized (barrel) 1$
    1 x 18 6500.106 PP-HT REDUKTION 110x50mm (reduction tube) 1$
    1 x 18 6551.110 PP-HT DOBBELT MUFFE 110mm (join tube) 3$
    1 x 18 6481.110 PP-HT RENSERØR 110mm (powder chamber) 5$
    1 x 18 6521.110 PP-HT PROP 110mm (bottom part) 1$
      For shipment and like we paid almost 20$

  • In a home improvement store, supermarket or like you buy:
    • 1 lighter
    • 1 metal ribbon to tighten the lighter
    • 1 can of hair spray
    • 15 rivets
    • 2 kg of potatoes
    • repair tape - in case the gun will need it after some shooting

  • In your own garage you may find:
    • 1 stick at approximately 1m (when loading the potato)